The Bohol Northern Star College, Inc., is guided by a Triad of Virtues: Educated Minds, Noble Hearts and Helpful Hands, and aims to internalize these virtues in the lives of its Faculty, Staff, and Students.
when BNC opened its doors, there were ninety (90) pioneering students enrolled in two-year Technology Courses, namely: Automotive; Civil, Electrical, and Electronics, including Associate in Secretarial Science.
Expanded its curricular offerings, to include Baccalaureate and officer shall advice the VP Administration, and Finance concerned to Associate courses, in Education, Commerce, Liberal Arts and Computer Technology.
BNC produced its first batch from the Technology Courses with forty-nine (49) graduates, who passed the TESDA Trade Skills Assesment, including one who passed the Board Examination for Stenography. All have been gainfully employed.
Fity one (51) pioneers graduated from four-year courses. More than forty-four percent (44.4%) of the education graduate passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) which was conducted by the Professional Regulation Commissioners last August 2002.
The Bohol Northern Star College, Inc. (BNSC) was incorporated. It's predecessor, the Bohol Northeastern Colleges (BNC), was established in 1996.The birth of BNC, as the first and only teritary educational institution in Ubay, embodied the realization of a long-standing aspiration of the community to broaden its educational horizons.
The original organizers and incorporators of BNC were: Mr. Rodrigo G. Maboloc; Mrs. Jewel M. Delfin; Mayor Manuel C. Alesna; Mrs. Epifania V. Dacua; Engr. Guillermo Francisco; Mr. Alexander G. Gaviola; Dr. Remegio B. Gonzales; Engr. Emmanuel G. Maboloc; Atty. Florencio Quicoy; Mr. Rogelio Regner; Mr. Alexander Zaha; Mrs. Gerarda Zaha; Atty. Erico B. Aumentado; Dr. Amalia R. Tirol, and Atty. David B. Tirol Ph.D.
A Resilient Educational Institution that produces human capital who are globally competent advocating the nature's gift of God.
To provide quality instruction, offer responsive research and sustainable extension programs to all stakeholders and produce employable professionals local and abroad.
Graduate Attributes
In the parlance of BNSC, the above cited core values are translated into institutional graduate attributes:
BALANCED whoever graduates balanced to individual personalities, decision making into their respective work life situations in their corresponding degrees.
NOBLE as to expected magnanimous performance wherever challenging milieu of their profession.
SERVICE-ORIENTED always ready to serve the community or the stakeholders.
COMPETENT as to the equality of works and sustainable development aspects.
- Empowering students to become lifelong learners who are competent, creative, and critical thinkers committed to service.
- Inspiring its graduates to make a difference in the lives of others.
- Instilling sincerity, and genuine care and concern for others, above and beyond their selves.