Welcome to Bohol Northern Star College, Inc.

In joining the BNSC community, you become an important asset of this educational instituion, dedicated to excellence in Education, Criminology, Industrial and Information Technology, Hospitality Management, and Business and Accountancy. Our continued success and development depend on your participation and service to our students, to each other, and to the community around us.

BNSC's reputation for excellence in

Education, Criminology, Industrial and Information Technology, Hospitality Management, and Business and Accountancy, was forged by need, as identified by those who came before us. These people invested their carrers, their resources, and their skills in the servers of others. Having joined BNSC, you have become a participant in this legacy of great achievement and even greater potential. Let's work together and realize our vision and mission.


Enrolled Students - First Semester


Bachelor Courses


Tesda Courses

Students / Alumnus / Alumna